Sebastian Gravlund

Gravlund’s upswing continued in Valencia

Sebastian Gravlund secured the season’s best results in Eurocup3 and is now fighting for a top position in the championship.

When the technology cooperates, it is significantly easier to achieve results. That’s how it went in the weekend’s races at the Valencia circuit, where Gravlund fought his way forward in the competitive field.

The best qualifying result of the year was already secured on Saturday when Sebastian secured the seventh starting position for the first race – just three-tenths of a second behind the fastest driver.

In the race, a less-than-perfect start cost him a position, and despite having enough speed to keep up with the driver in front, Sebastian couldn’t overtake:

– The start is just so crucial in these cars. The track is difficult to overtake on, and because of the aerodynamics, it’s really hard to set up an overtaking move, so I was left hanging a bit – even though an eighth place is still acceptable, says Sebastian Gravlund, who was the third-best rookie driver in the field.
Qualifying for Sunday’s race resulted in a tenth place. It was not immediately satisfying, but it was probably more a sign of progress:

– If someone had offered me a tenth place in qualifying at the beginning of the season, I would have been happy, so it’s probably an expression of how much I’ve developed this season. My baseline has risen, and I know the potential is for more than a tenth place, he explains.
And he proved that in Sunday’s race, where he shot forward in the field right from the start and advanced to eighth place. If there hadn’t been a longer safety car period, maybe it could have been more, but on the other hand, the rookie championship suddenly looks more interesting:

– In Sunday’s race, I was the second-best rookie ahead of some of those who were ahead of me in the championship, so I’ve moved up to fourth place in the rookie championship. It’s certainly an opportunity to snatch third place at the final race, so that’s my goal now, reveals Sebastian Gravlund:

– It’s been a tough start to the season, but now I think both MP Motorsport and I have come on strong. If we can take third place in the rookie championship, we’ve got the most out of the season, so I’m going all in to create the conditions for that!

The final race in Eurocup3 will take place at the Formula 1 circuit in Barcelona on November 11-12.