Sebastian Gravlund

Sebastian Gravlund

I'm ready for the next step

A whole new chapter for me begins in 2025. With the shift from formula cars to endurance racing, I am also taking my career in a new direction. A direction towards Le Mans and Hypercars.

Three seasons in formula cars have given me lots of important experiences, which I will benefit from in the coming years, where things will only get faster. Both the cars and me.

The Michelin Le Mans Cup is one of the strongest LMP3 fields in the world. A huge field consisting of a combination of young, upcoming stars and experienced drivers means that a top position is something you have fought for.

For me, it will be new to share the car with another driver. Fortunately, it’s a skilled co-driver I have on the team. Tim Creswick has several seasons under his belt, and I believe we will have a strong bond during the season.

Making my debut on the Le Mans track will be a huge experience in itself. Racing in front of several hundred thousand spectators on the legendary track, just hours before the 24-hour race starts… it will be enormous.

Challenges give strength

Early in my karting career, my family and I decided to seek learning and development on the international stage.

Instead of becoming the best in Denmark, I have fought against Europe’s best karting drivers, and it has taught me a tremendous amount.

Especially about racecraft – the craft behind every strong race driver. The technique, the feel, and the understanding of how to get around the racetrack fastest.

In 2022, I took my experiences from the go-kart tracks and continued building on them on the Spanish and Danish racetracks in Formula 4. Already the following year, I took the next step to Eurocup3, becoming the first Dane to do so, gaining a lot of learning in an even wilder race car.

2024 brings many more challenges as I have to master collaboration and communication with a co-driver, compromises with the setup, and an entirely new type of car.

And then there’s a trip to Le Mans on the program too…

Racing CV
  • Danish & Spanish Formula 4 2022
  • European Karting 2016-2021
  • Team Danmark-athlete
Career highlights
  • Formula 4 Denmark 2022 – Vice Champion

  • Formula 4 Spain 2022 – 5. best Rookie

  • WSK Supermasters Castelletto 8th

  • WSK Supermasters South Garda 5th

  • WSK Supermasters La Conca 10th

  • WSK Supermasters Adria 12th

First Step Towards Le Mans and Hypercars

The Michelin Le Mans Cup is one of the most competitive endurance championships in the world. Up to 40 cars compete in two one-hour races each race weekend on some of Europe’s finest racetracks – as a warm-up to the European Le Mans Series.

The entry list consists of a combination of young talents and experienced gentleman drivers. It’s a unique exercise in training communication and collaboration, which are the most crucial qualities for a future Le Mans driver.

It’s a shift I’ve been considering for a while, and 2024 is the right time for me. I’ve already raced in the Prototype Winter Series to try my hand at the LMP3 car and endurance racing … and it suits me perfectly!

The car has 450 horsepower and almost no aids, so there won’t be much relaxation behind the wheel. Except maybe at Le Mans when we run warm-up races before the actual Le Mans race starts.

The Car - Ligier js p320 LMP3

The relatively small prototype is the first step towards Le Mans and Hypercars. With a V8 engine and almost no aids, it takes a true race driver to get the car around quickly and safely.


Nismo VK56 – 5.6-liter V8
Power: 460 horsepower


Six-speed sequential gearbox


Front: 12.5×18 inches
Rear: 13×18 inches