Sebastian Gravlund

Top placement was the highlight for Gravlund at Zandvoort

Sebastian Gravlund secured a top placement in the Eurocup3 rookie championship, but technical challenges further hindered progress on the Dutch Formula 1 track.

Despite starting in eighth position, the Copenhagen-based Formula driver showcased his talent on a wet Dutch track. After contact with a competitor, he fell back to 17th place. From there, he drove forward under challenging weather conditions to secure the seventh position and simultaneously clinched third place among the rookie drivers.

– It’s never optimal to be involved in a collision and fall back in the field, but that being said, it was great to drive forward again and finish with a reasonable result, says Sebastian Gravlund, who was highly motivated to achieve a good result in both the qualifying for race 2 and the race itself.

However, things didn’t go as planned. The qualifying setup didn’t work at all for the fast Dane, who set the slowest lap time. But if there’s one strength, it’s overtaking.

But one mishap rarely comes alone. On the way to the starting grid for the second race of the weekend, the car began to malfunction, and it quickly became clear that the fuel pump was defective. Therefore, Sebastian parked the car and watched as competitors fought it out on the racetrack.

– I’m at a loss for words, to be honest. It went so well in the practices, the first qualification, and in the first race, and then it just turned 180 degrees. I’m just tired of it, says Gravlund, who can now enjoy a two-month summer break from Eurocup3, which will return to Spain at the end of September.

Before that, Sebastian will participate in a gear-kart Danish Championship race in August, and preparations are already well underway.

The first race with a great climb through the field can be seen here: YouTube Link