Sebastian Gravlund

A Huge Leap Forward for Sebastian Gravlund at Navarra

Sebastian Gravlund secured his first points in the Spanish Formula 4 Championship in the weekend races at Navarra.

Throughout the season, few have doubted the potential of the 16-year-old Formula 4 driver, who is competing in the world’s toughest Formula 4 championship this year. Several factors have kept Gravlund out of the top 10 results, but this weekend, the teenager from Smørumnedre managed to put all the pieces together for a good result.

Before the weekend, Sebastian Gravlund had deemed qualification as the most crucial element for a good result. The narrow and technically challenging track in northern Spain doesn’t offer many opportunities to overtake competitors, so when he could only secure a starting position as number 16, it seemed grim. For the second race, the starting position was number 14.

– I was, to put it mildly, disappointed. I had invested so much effort in making that lap work, and then I just wasn’t there. But I turned things around, and we devised a strategy so I could fight my way forward in the field, says Sebastian, who drove up to 12th place in the first race.

In the middle race, which was also the shortest of the weekend, Sebastian didn’t see many opportunities for advancement, but precisely that meant he could move forward:

– I didn’t really have any expectations for the race because it’s quite short, and at the same time, I was still far down in the field. My focus was solely on driving smart and only taking the necessary chances instead of risking something. And it worked because I finished in ninth place, says Sebastian.
The last race brought good news because in the qualification for the final heat, he was the eighth fastest. The best qualification of the season was secured — and thus, an excellent starting point for the race.

However, things didn’t go exactly as hoped for Sebastian, but the result was still very satisfying:

– I had a bit of a tough start and lost quite a few positions, but I brought the recipe from race two forward again, and it worked perfectly. Slowly but surely, I made some solid overtakes and finished in tenth place — and got my first point, says a happy Sebastian Gravlund, who has finally broken into the points:

– It took a long time. Perhaps too long because I’ve always known that I had the speed to be at the top of the field. Now, some things have fallen into place mentally, and it has paid off immediately. I’m thrilled that it worked out because now I have something more to build on.

Before Sebastian can build on the first point, the conclusion of the Danish Formula 4 Championship is just around the corner. The final race at FDM Jyllandsringen takes place next weekend, and with a strong result, Sebastian can secure the championship despite skipping one round.